Welcome to Universal Soapbox!!

Have you ever been in a situation and wondered “why does this always happen to me?” Have you ever looked at someone else’s life and wished you were as happy, good looking, wealthy, and/or successful in your adulting as they are? Well, you are not alone. We all get caught up in the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” of adulting. It doesn’t feel good to be there but it’s comfortable and possibly the only way you knew to deal…until now.

On the Universal Soapbox, various topics common to everyone are tackled openly and vulnerably with the goal of making THIS the place that offers encouragement to approach difficult situations through a new lens that supports you as you embark upon a whole new journey.

I am a clinical social worker who believes that it is in the act of seeking solutions versus drowning in problems that we are more empowered to face adversity and shed our tendency to feel powerless to people, places and things. Here you will be encouraged to MAKE choices and not have them made for you.

How, you ask?

Currently, there are three categories you can choose from (with more coming soon). You will choose the category that speaks to your current needs today and come back later for the rest…or not. The choice is completely YOURS. When you need a lift, validation and/or a kick in the pants, the posts will be here…. and so will I.

Contact me and let me know what you’d like to see posts on and I will be more than happy to speak on it via my personal experience, clinical experience, evidence based research or a combination of the three.

If a post touches you either positively, negatively or not at all, drop me a message at [email protected] and tell me about it. There’s value and meaning in all of it.

You can also comment on a post by clicking  on the title to open the individual post and then scrolling to the bottom.  Once at the bottom you will be able to comment, like the post, or share it via social media. 

I really want to know what you think so don’t be shy! This is OUR soapbox! Be heard!

I will keep posting and I hope you keep coming back!